SFMTA Meeting to review Fell Street Daylighting Proposal - May 15

San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) Board of Directors will consider the proposal to install daylighting along Fell Street on Tuesday, May 15 at 1:00 PM.  Refer to the following link prior to the meeting for the agenda:  https://www.sfmta.com/calendar/board-directors-meeting-may-15-2018.  You are invited to attend the meeting or provide feedback in advance by email or phone. 
Following the February 2 SFMTA Engineering Public Hearing, SFMTA staff conducted additional outreach which included meeting with community groups (NOPNA and PRO|SF) and communicating with Supervisor Breed’s office.  Overall, community feedback included concerns about parking loss from the proposed red curbs, however there was also a sense of a priority for safer streets needed for all roadway users.  This daylighting proposal, which removes approximately 9 parking spaces, was scaled back from the original proposal which would have removed close to 30 parking spaces.  Please find the proposed legislation below. 
Please feel free to share your support or any concerns for the proposed legislation by emailing Jeffrey.Banks@sfmta.com

  1. Fell Street, north side, from Baker Street to 17 feet easterly (extends existing 10 foot red zone)
  2. Baker Street, east side, from Fell Street to 5 feet southerly (extends existing 3 foot red zone)
  3. Fell Street, south side, from western crosswalk at Lyon Street, to 49 feet easterly (prohibits parking within "T" intersection)
  4. Lyon Street, west side, from Fell Street, to 12 feet northerly  
  5. Fell Street, south side, from western crosswalk at Central Ave, to 39 feet easterly (extends existing 7 foot red zone to prohibit parking within "T" intersection)
  6. Fell Street, north side, from Central Ave, to 10 feet easterly 
  7. Masonic Avenue, west side, from Fell Street to 11 feet northerly
  8. Fell Street, south side, from western crosswalk at Ashbury Street, to 38 feet easterly (prohibits parking within "T" intersection)
  9. Fell Street, south side, from Ashbury Street to 10 feet easterly
  10. Ashbury Street, west side, from Fell Street, to 11 feet northerly
  11. Fell Street, south side, from Clayton Street to 10 feet easterly
  12. Fell Street, north side, from Clayton Street to 10 feet easterly 
  13. Clayton Street, west side, from Fell Street, to 11 feet northerly
  14. Fell Street, south side, from western crosswalk at Cole Street, to 38 feet easterly (prohibits parking within "T" intersection)
  15. Fell Street, south side, from Cole Street to 10 feet easterly
  16. Cole Street, west side, from Fell Street to 10 feet northerly
  17. Fell Street, south side, from Shrader Street to 10 feet easterly
  18. Shrader Street, west side, from Fell Street to 9 feet easterly

NOPNA Neighborhood Meeting - Thursday, March 15, 2018

Join us for the NOPNA Neighborhood Meeting
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Oasis Café
901 Divisadero @ McAllister

7:00pm Meet & Greet
7:30-9:00pm General Meeting

Join us as we discuss the Ford Go Bikes six-month evaluation in our neighborhood, upcoming safety improvements on Fell Street, and SFPUC’s new water and sewer rates.

On the Agenda:

  1. Justin Nguyen- Ford Go Bikes - NOPA Area Six-Month Evaluation
  2. Jeff Banks- SFMTA - Near-Term Safety Improvements on Fell Street
  3. Jignesh Desa & Kristina Cordero -SFPUC - 2018 New Water and Sewer Rates

Joint Meeting on Proposed 400 Divisadero Street Development - March 19 - 7:30pm - The Independent

The Alamo Square Neighborhood Association and North of Panhandle Neighborhood Association would like to invite all neighbors, and the community, for a joint meeting on the proposed 400 Divisadero Street Development. The Joint Meeting will give an opportunity for the community to come together to voice our ideas on this development that has the potential to change the future of Divisadero. Join Us!

WHEN: March 19th 2018 7:30 pm- 9:00 PM

WHERE: The Independent - 628 Divisadero Street, San Francisco, CA

400 Divisadero NOPNA-ASNA Joint Meeting Flyer.jpg

Emergency Public Safety Meeting - Saturday, 2/24 - 11:00am

Given the recent tragic incidents in the community, Supervisor London Breed will be holding an emergency public safety meeting this Saturday at 11:00am at Park Station Community room at 1899 Waller Street.
Park Station Captain Una Bailey, the Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing, the Department of Health, the Park Station Neighborhood Prosecutor and neighborhood service providers will be there to discuss the incidents, hear community concerns and ideas and develop a plan of action. I understand that it’s last minute, but I hope you and members of the community can attend.
Samantha Roxas
Office of President London Breed
San Francisco Board of Supervisors